Top Trainers & Athletes know

All the benefits of resistance, anywhere

All exercises are based on overcoming resistance, and Powerbands give you all the benefits of resistance in a portable, economical way. You can use them to warmup your muscles and joints, improve your fitness, lose weight, build strength and flexibility, increase lateral speed and forward acceleration – all anywhere, anytime. And Let’s Bands are adaptable to various fitness levels and ages.

No wonder today powerbands are more popular than ever. They’re found in fitness and rehabilitation facilities around the world. Due to the safety of the gradual, controlled way powerbands let you work against resistance, they offer significant advantages for fitness routines and rehabilitative exercises.

Today, powerbands are a dependable tool commonly found in both fitness and rehabilitation facilities around the world.

At its core, all exercise involves resistance. Powerbands give you all the benefits of resistance - increased strength, flexibility and stamina - in a portable size. Use them to warm-up muscles and prime joints, for strength and flexibility training and to help increase lateral speed and forward acceleration – anywhere, anytime. They’re ideal for almost people of almost every age and athletic ability.

Powerbands vs. Bodyweight training

Achieve greater success in the same amount of time

Bodyweight and high-intensity interval training (HIIT), such as Freeletics, are hugely successful. They combine simple exercises, using your own body weight, with a high number of repetitions and circuits. People to stay with them usually achieve rapid results.

Yet adding powerbands to bodyweight routines brings even greater success in the same amount of time, because of the elastic resistance and the constant tension they add to movement. The result is an improved range of motion, strength, and more complete body stimulation.

Powerbands also bring fresh diversity to exercise routines because of the way they enable intensive muscle focus. In fact, the constant contraction and tension created using powerbands are what build muscle and speed up body toning and fat loss.

Powerbands vs. Free weights

Similar benefits but you can’t take free weights with you

Resistance training with powerbands offers similar benefits to training with free weights. But powerbands have several advantages. Of course, portability is one. But powerbands also provide a number of other advantages.

The latest studies have shown that muscle activity and maximum load while training with powerbands is similar to free-weight exercises. Both allow progressive resistance, free range of motion, and variable speed of motion. Both also provide similar strength and curve patterns, similar muscle activation levels, and similar strength gains. But resistance bands, unlike free weights, do not rely on gravity to provide resistance. They rely on the judgement of the user. So they allow more ability to change muscle emphasis and power use. They reduce the risk of injury, too.

Resistance bands also enable functional movement patterns that mimic both everyday activities and sports activities. As a result, they provide more natural conditioning and strength building.

powerbands vs bodyweight

same amount of time - greater success

Bodyweight and high-intensity interval training, such as Freeletics, are currently all the rage right now because of its huge success. Adding powerbands to bodyweight routines will bring even greater success in the same amount of time because of the elastic resistance and the constant tension in eccentric and dysenteric parts of the exercises.

This results in better range of motion, strength, and more complete stimulation. In fact, it is the constant contraction that builds muscle and speeds up fat loss.

powerbands vs free weights

several similar properties

Resistance-band training actually has several advantages that outweigh those of free weights. Using powerbands provides a more functional workout with better injury prevention and a greater ability to change muscle emphasis and power development. Muscle activity and max load while training with powerbands is similar to free-weight resistance exercise.

The benefits of resistance bands is more in their functional movement patterns, which mimic everyday activities and sports-specific activities, while decreasing the risk of injury.


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Adaptable to multiple fitness levels - whether you’re a beginner, an expert, or a professional athlete.